H i ,
I ' m L e i d a ,
F u l l S t a c k W e b D e v e l o p e r

AWS | JavaScript | React | Node.js | PostgreSQL

About Me

My love for an attractive and efficient user interface and, the desire to solve real-world problems through technology led me to start a journey in web and software development.

Having recently graduated from Code Your Future's 8-month Full Stack Web Developer course, I am looking to join a company that embraces diversity and inclusion and, where I can use my skills to make a difference.

I'm interested in learning more about software development, operations, network, and infrastructure and, I'm eager to experiment with new technologies to help my team deliver products with greater speed and efficiency.

When I’m not tinkering with code, you’ll find me listening to a podcast such as Arrested DevOps or Software Defined Talk, attending webinars or daydreaming about my next travel destination.



Feedback Tracker

A tool to enable mentors to give feedback to students on their technical skills and also, to keep track of student’s progress.

- Worked in a team of four developers and two product owners to deliver a full-stack application following the agile workflow with sprints, retrospective, and daily stand-ups.

- Built controlled form components in React and implemented React Router to create protected views.

- Created API endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting users's information in the PostgreeSQL database.

- Connected the front and the back end using Axios library, made calls to API endpoints and displayed data on the front-end.







Quiz Pool

A dynamic multiple choice questions application. Users can create their own set of questions, choose between answers, and keep track of question popularity.

- Combined the composition model of React with Redux to ensure state predicatibility.

- Used React Router to navigate between different views.




My Reads

A virtual bookcase that allows users to store books and track what books they have read, are currently reading and want to read.

- Built user interface with React.

- Used React Router to sync UI with the URL.



Movie Search

A movie search app that helps users find their next movie to watch.

- Fetched movies from an external API.


